Get Your Best Monetization Solution
With Our Premium Search Feeds!‏‏

Type-In Search Monetization for Products

This solution gives you the opportunity to monetize your product, software, browser, extension, mobile application or any website with search feed monetization by changing user’s default search, adding a search box, changing users home page etc. this way you get paid for every click on the search results of every search query your users make.

N2S (native to search) Monetization Solution

Native to search is a type of ad format served on native traffic. First, the user arrives directly to a landing page with premium search ads. Then, after the user clicks on any of the ads, they get redirected to a search page, which gives them results based on the category they have selected.

Search Arbitrage Monetization

Media buyers can purchase traffic from different traffic platforms such as Taboola, Outbrain, Gemini, TONIC, MGID, Facebook, TikTok etc. Where they create and buy ad placement for a specific vertical, and leading the users to a search page powered by Google, Bing, Yahoo or some other search providers with search results related to this vertical.